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    Sparkle and Shine #1

    The end of a not-so-eventful day. You’re talking to a few friends on Instagram web and Telegram web, thanks to the absence of your phone. You don’t expect anything eventful to happen, you’re almost ready to shut eye, and get into the realms of Sleep. Out of nowhere, one of these friends you’re talking to sends you an instagram post to look at. It is about somebody’s dog, a dog that died today – Maple. Maple almost reminds me of syrup, though I’ve never had any maple syrup in all of my life, strange are the ways of the mind! This post is about how much Maple loved him and…

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    A Tribute to the Road-End Uncle

    I must have heard it a million times – That life is fleeting, and we ought to tell people that we care about, that we do in our very own words. This ability of mine has only grown exponentially in the last decade, but as I sit down to write this piece, I realise I still fall short majorly, in letting some people know how much they mean to me, in many ways. It is never fun to discover your shortcomings, but it is even more worse when you can’t go and fix your mistake. Well, what with this fleeting life and all.I anticipate that this must have touched a…

  • Poetry

    Poem: Covid-19

    He speaks a lie who says he knew what 2020 was to be before it unfurled to the world’s view.. cd Origination unknown it makes its way like an orphan looking for a home   As it inhabits human after human affecting the host with symptoms myriad the one lesson it still fails to learn is how to be a good guest..   A good guest is one who doesn’t exploit the host whose hospitality was extended either by chance or by choice..   A good guest is one who at least lives and lets live if they cannot make the host thrive..   A good guest is one who…

  • Poetry

    Poem: Sunset

    What if we didn’t knowOf gravity and physicsAnd the guarantee of a sunThat comes back promptly every morningEven as it goes down every eve?(Barring of-course inter galactic catastrophes and the like?) What if we were the first peopleTo walk this earth,Would you like meProbably be most mesmerisedBy the orange hue of a sundownEven with the blast of colour all around you? Would you like meBe biased to this one goddamn thingThat you can’t really reason whyAmidst the presence of a million other thingsThat equally demand a place in the heartEven as varied in colour and nature they might be? More importantly,For how long would youLook at a sunset and wonder if…

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    Women of our World

    As the world celebrates International Women’s day, I went about the weekend spending time with some women I cherish in my life. That was a pure coincidence, though, as it was more of a regular routine of my life than a special, one off thing done just to commemorate the day. Articles on Medium, Instagram posts, stories, Facebook updates, LinkedIn posts not withstanding, I feel compelled to write this post as it seems that my stand and take is something that I haven’t read over the weekend, though it might simply be due to the fact that I haven’t read enough. That said, there is this innate desire to voice out how differently…

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    Wild Rose vs. Lavender

    A few months ago, a friend of mine who came back from the UK gave me a Wild Rose scented shower gel, which she’d picked up on her trip there. She gave a bagful of other goodies along with it, so I didn’t really think much of this particular item, and days passed. Now, there was a time in my life when I would preserve anything that I felt was “nice” only for special occasions, and this wild Rose scented shower gel is definitely something I would classify as “nice”. But fast forward to present day, I no longer preserve or hoard things until they reach their expiry date and then…

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      Rise we cannot from our deep slumber whilst we don’t change the ways we think Walk we cannot out of our misery whist we think we can drown them in just a drink   Sleep we cannot with peace at night if the truth we don’t employ Rest we cannot after a day’s work if we haven’t toiled our worth in joy   In the eye we cannot, see of those we love if in our own eyes, we continue to wrong   comfort we cannot bring with false speech just coz that speech is a song   Desire we cannot what we don’t deserve what with our work…

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    Compatibility and the Bubble theory

    I was having a discussion with K about relationships and compatibility which is when this theory arose. Putting it up on my blog, so that I don’t forget this theory! (And also for all of you who are so kind to read the random theories I sometimes come up with :))   Our conversation that day revolved around how there is no absolute truth, and there can be any number of truths as many number of people there are.   Considering this, who are we to judge people on whatever they believe in, maybe their truth will also take them to some good place in life. We never know.   …

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    Otherworldly transportation

    A portkey is a common item used to transport anyone touching it to another pre-determined location, in the world of magic.    In the eponymous Harry Potter series, the references to the use of objects which are used to transport wizards and witches are not only common, but also significant. It always made me wonder how people in the magical world knew what objects took them where, and if some rather innocuous item was a portkey or not.   Fast forward to recent times.   One fine morning after interviewing with the folks whose company I wanted to switch to, I walked in to my current office. It so happened that it…